Tuesday, April 21, 2009

up and down steps

There is something I am so annoyed about...

Every day I have to cross the Ring Road to get the city center... I have to use the passage from the Canal Basin.

Here is described in details the full procedure:

steps up, turn left

steps up, turn left

steps up, turn left

turn left, right, cross the road, turn right

turn left, steps down

turn left, steps down

turn left, steps down

...and that's it! I cross the Ring Road! :) Yupeee!!!

I am very honest when I'm saying that after 7 months of crossing it, sometimes 8 or 10 times per day I was sick of it! Up and down! Up and down!

Anyone who would like a little journey like this every day?

Sunday, April 19, 2009

one day in Cardiff / Caerdydd

Uuuuu!!! What's that last word in the title? Nothing more than Cardiff in welsh! :)
So in respect of this weird language, I will continue the post using it (not that I understand one word... just for fun). To translate the text you can use online translators, there are several available.

Cawn gwahoddiad acha facebook chan hun anwylyd chyfaill Adi Rusu. Fi erioed been at Cymru anad , + a Fi 'n sylweddol fethedig Adi a eiddo llaciedig arddull. wrth gwrs Chymerais!

Er Fi booked 'r diced Balfalais a bydd a 'n anad benwythnos. Bu 'r 'n flaen amsera Cawn 'r diced acha 'm 'n symudadwy , drwo SMS. 'r 'n anad Dydd Sadwrn cychwynedig ag a 'n aruthr puncture chan 'r bws chan Coventry faning Birmingham.

'n ffodus ata , bu jyst hun arhosa amaetha Birmingham 'n Ganolog Gorsaf ble Cawn at chyfnewid 'r cerbyd at Caerdydd , fel Cawn 'na jyst mewn pryd! Acha 'r cerbyd Cawn feinedd synna : Aroglai cara rhywun had hychydig baban ai adwaenoch beth Feddylia. Canfyddais 'r darddiad chan 'r arogla , 'ma dydy :
Bwra 2 horiau a hanner yn cerdded ag a arogla. a fel breintal , 'r awyra chyflyra wasn't yn gweithio!:) 'n ddiwethaf Fi arrived , hychydig 'n bensyfrdan chan a arogla Adi eb Ddisgwyliwn cara Buais comming yn arfer 'm chorfannau chan Coventry.
Adneuai 'm showed 'm 'r canola , 'r Chyfarth , adeiladaethau. Arhosem am a terrace a had beint , yn dweud am 'r boblogi , chynlluniau , yn cyfnewid newydd a 'n brofi. Iawn yn llacio awyrgylch!
Buais dreisiedig at gwna a darluniedig!
yn cael rhyw chynnud
Adi yn arlwyo
Ar ôl a aem am eiddo chyflea a arlwyai. A 'n fawr chef! Ddeuda 'ch! Sylweddolais a Buais a totaly 'n anhyddysg dan awron yn cael feinedd addysg acha byrddia campau , namyn gwnaeth adneua a cystal.

Trannoeth arfaethasom at cer at caer chlosia Caerdydd namyn. rhywsut ni overslept a ni 'n dirion chyfnewid 'r goal , chyfnewidasom a castella achos naill i mewn caer canola.
i mewn
'r cadw
Hun chan 'r bethau Ewyllysia beunydd atgofia ::)) 'r afr! Bu 'r catrawd mascot , arferan 'i hefyd pryd aen achos batles. achos hawddamor ai whatever. Cadwan 'u awron i mewn 'r amgueddfa. efallai achos hychwaneg hawddamor!
Taffy IX
A am 'r a , 'r amgarn had at bod 'n gaead! Pryd Adferais at Birmingham. bydew bydew bydew , synna! Yr un cerbyd!!! Ag yr un 'n ddrewllyd doiled!!!!!
I hope you enjoyed my last weekend! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jacked Potatoes

Very spread in UK, this "delicatesse" is probably the thing I will miss more after living here one year. What is it? Simply baked potatoes with different fillings... The one in the image is with chicken curry, my favourite. At the first time I didn't feel comfortable with it's smell but now I'm addicted to it!
Right in front of our company building is a trailer selling this things. My people skills worked again, after several chats with the seller he convinced himself that such a nice client like me deserves a discount. Now, whatever I'm buying I have a good discount, it's working like a membership card just it's not a real card, it's just in his mind! :) He calls me Michael and he thinks I'm Polish... but who cares? :))

Yesterday, he brought me a sandwich inside and the secretary brought it upstairs... honestly, it was like room service! This is what I call customer care! :D

Monday, April 13, 2009


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Republic of Moldova - end of communism?

I was reading these day about the abuses of the Moldavian Authorities (PCRM, Moldavian Communist Party). It looks like they frauded the elections and now they are trying to blame the Moldavian opposition parties and Romania for that.
There are several videos on youtube proving MAI ans SIS abuses of demonstrants. They plant instigators into the crowd, trying to get the mob agressive. As found out, they also devastated official buildings and blamed the demonstrants for that as well. Lots of young people are being arrested without any reason. They think they can intimidate the crowd, but you can't do that with people who have nothing to lose.
What the communists didn't realized was that people are filming and no matter how much they are trying to cover it and make their scenaries look real, there are evidences for all their lies.
The end of communism in Moldova is very close! :)
Here are some Moldovan website I'm checking from time to time:
You can find everything I was stating about there, as well as on YouTube.

Monday, April 06, 2009

Winchester, Jane Austen's Museum, Stonehenge

Yupeee! Road trip!

After having a chat with Jojo, the German girl at our company who is leaving these days and wants to visit a little before that, I was convinced that a visit at Winchester should be great. Ovidiu was interested in a visit like that as well, so the plan was very easy to make.
It was the first time he drove on the "wrong side", but we didn't had any emotions, he managed very well!
So we start our road trip from Leamington Spa and from Winchester Andrea, one of Ovidiu's friends joined us. We took pictures... exactly like the Japanese! Everywhere... For everything!
Winchester was very nice, it's one of the places which tells you that if you'll stay a while, you will never go! Yes! South of England is different that Midlands! It's much more clean, the city has much more green, the houses are looking better.

The first objective was "King Arthur's round table". Actually, they are not sure that Artur even existed, but the legend is nice...
The table is looking like a darts target with a big diameter, 5 meters.

We went to the second objective, Winchester Cathedral. It is the longest cathedral in England, something like 3 in 1. There are lots of graves, Jane Austen's is through them. Probably the most interesting thing were some icons presenting Jesus, Virgin Mary and some of the saints as black persons. I've hear that in Turkey in Cappadocia is the same... weird for me. We also had a creepy music during the walk inside... very scary.
The town is very nice, the streets and the path near the river is looking really good.
We proceed to Jane Austen's Museum, where we didn't stayed long, it was that interesting...
I didn't thought I will make pictures like this in UK, but... here is the evidence: the English cows don't have manners! You can't do that in front of the museum! It's rude!
Stonehenge was the last objective. We arrived there almost at the closing time so we preferred to take some pictures from the fence. Anyway... if you enter the site, you are not allowed to go through the stones, you are restricted at 10-15 meters so it's not such a big difference.
All in all, we had fun on Sunday, I will do something similar again! I have less than one month to stay here... so I'll try to see some more.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

That's it! Piti must leave...

His name is Piturca, Victor Piturca.

He is the Romanian National Football Team Coach

There were several elements that individually can be enough to resign from the position he has.

1. He was caught cheating in a casino, with a mini camera hidden in his cigarettes pack. Despite these evidences, he didn't want to quit...

2. He lied about an corruption attempt regarding one of his friends, Gigi Becali. He signed a fake document. Despite this... he didn't want to resign his position.

And... 3. - the most important thing: he doesn't have results with the national team. Actually he destroyed our good name in football. Maybe he is preparing for the games, but there is something that any coach should have: leadership attitude; and he doesn't have it. At the matches he just stays on his place, making an ugly face, thinking too much probably...

Oh... and surprise: he still doesn't want to leave!

Yesterday it was another loss with an Austrian inexperienced young team; he said that's not a problem... He continues to blame referees or the players for his failure. I've got enough of this guy...

Where is your honour Mr. Piturca? 95% of the people wants you out!

Shame on you! "Lasa-ne..."