Tuesday, February 10, 2009

UK under snow

View from the balcony

Yeah... sometimes the wind blows from the continent and this is the result when it's winter!

It's not comfortable for this island to be under snow, the people aren't prepared to live in these conditions. One of my colleagues living in Northampton couldn't drive from home to company because of the blocked road and for another one living in Nuneaton it took almost 3 hours to come at work. They don't have their cars prepared for winter conditions, like we have in Romania...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nici în România nu prea sunt pregătite maşinile de iarnă. Să vezi câte accidente apar la prima ninsoare.
Transportul public nu se foloseşte acolo? Ai metrou la dispoziţie?

7:39 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stimabile, stii ce m-ar ajuta pe mine? Un post in care descrii pe scurt cum ti-ai petrecut ultimii 3 ani si cu ce lectii.

Si, nu in cele din urma, in care sa spui unde esti acum si ce faci. :)

Uite-asa ne pierdem urma daca nu suntem atenti.

2:08 pm  
Blogger Ovidiu Suciu said...

1. nu este metrou in Coventry. Nu mi-ar displacea...

2. Stefan, mai bine iti scriu un mail.

4:33 pm  

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