Monday, December 22, 2008

Communist Pictures Database

U-Hu! Waw! :)))) Cool!
An Online Communist Pictures Database of the Romanian Communist party! :D
I found on an online edition of a newspaper a link to this:

An online database of PCR (Romanian Communist Party) pictures:

Inside you can find more than 2000 old pictures... here's what I found interesting through the events in that ages:
Ceausescu's picture when he was young, in prison at Doftana.
Nicolae Ceausescu, teenager, convict at Doftana
- If I escape from here, I want to be like Robin Hood!!!
Something else, check this pictures carefully!!!:
A visit in Moldova and Danube Delta in 1976!
The conversations may not be true, they are presented how that visit had happen in my vision...
- I'm better than Robin Hood!
- I will show you!
- I'm ready! Watch the leader!
- Oh yeah! My old dream comes true! Do you see that Elena?
- Neah... I think archery is boring. Shooting is more fun! Elena, do you see that? Elena! Elena!
Oh... Not him... I have to change the story now!
- Who's that Young Talent kissing your ass? Hey Comrade Iliescu, you should kiss mine first! I'm no 1!

- We need a referee here. You, young Comrade, come here! (If she's better than me say she's cheating)

- She's angry cause she lost... C'mon! I need another opponent! Where is the young talent?

- Yes Supreme Commandant! I can't imagine how anyone can win in front of you, but please forgive me and allow me to try!

- Muhahahaha! :)) That's right comrades! Mock him! Make him miss!

- Oh, I was almost there Sir, but you are too good! I'm all sweat!!! Your talent is far better than mine!

- Don't worry Supreme Commandant... I got your back! (I'm patient...)

The images used on this post are taken from Photographs ID: Ceausescu Nicolae la varsta de 15 ani (Detinut la Doftana) Filmul Pagini de Vitejie, Nicolae si elena Ceausescu in Moldova si Delta in vara lui 1976 no. 1,2,3,5,6,7,8,14,16,18,19,21 and 26.

Wrote later: According to Mr Virgil Magureanu, ex SRI Director (Romanian Inteligence Service), Iliescu planned to kick out Ceausescu (not the communism) since 1971! ... and from 1973 he was already seen as the main figure who could replace the dictator. That means he was waiting for 19 years the right moment to replace him! That guy was really patient...


Blogger Dorin said...

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9:04 am  
Blogger Dorin said...

cata imaginatie mai poti sa ai si tu :))

9:04 am  
Blogger Mara said...

poate ar trebui sa te angajezi la catavencu :)

4:43 pm  
Blogger Ovidiu Suciu said...

haha! :))

Poate ar trebui sa se angajeze catavencii aia la mine... :P

8:59 pm  

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