Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Suciu. Ovidiu Suciu... on Google.

Here I strike again!

I was asking myself: how would I look like if I would start a bodybuilding career?

Probably I would look like this:

Ovidiu Suciu, the butcher

I was searching on Google after the words "Ovidiu Suciu" and I was pleased to see my blog on the first position.

I tried again for "Suciu" and I noticed that I have much more competition! almost 700.000 pages with the name "Suciu". I couldn't find mine in the first 100. I found this guy with the same name instead...

Why does his page a better ranking than my blog? Why? We have the same name and I have much more information! I guess once again it's a proof that size matters... :) I'm jealous!

here is a link to his profile, if you want to admire his body:


Anonymous Kris said...

Lol! I was looking for my buddy (the one in the picture) and 1st I thought that the blog belongs to him... Anyways, cheers! :)

12:42 pm  

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