"Ovidiu" -the name and the alcoholic drinks...
The name "Ovidiu" is most probable to have it's origins in the Latin "ovis" (sheep), so the meaning of the name should be "the Shepard".
The high spread of the name "Ovidiu" in Romania is due to an old story, the exile of Ovidius, an ancient Roman poet. Apparently he was deported from Rome to antique city of Tomis (today Constanta), one of the most far Roman colony at that time because he was involved in a plot against the Emperor Augustus. Being very sad because he was sent far away from his love (his 3rd wife), he started to write sad poems, which were having impact into the local population.
Ovidius' statue in Constanta
His story became known in the area and his name was transmitted further through generations.
Now, there is also a small town in Constanta area with this name.
I was wonder why do they like my name for the alcoholic drinks... Is it because a small drink is taking care of your soul when you're sad?
Ovidiu's tear, a popular strong wine in Romania
hehe...acuma stim ce bem cand te prind prin tara ...U soulz care-taker! :))
lacrima rulz :)
suciule, cand ciocnim ?
Dragos... stim ce se-ntampla cand ciocnim noi ;) Ii luam si pe Romeo si Radu sa fie echipa completa si gasim un sediu!
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