I love Indians! :)
All happened today, when Zé the new LCP of Catolica asked me if I can answer Saumya, the new Indian girl matched with Solvay, some questions about life in Lisbon, on MSN. I understood very well that he's really really busy so I accepted.
Thank you, Zé for giving me opportunities in LC Catolica!
He give her my MSN address so we started introducing each other, general things, visa issues, cheap flight companies, etc.
Slowly the topic slipped away and we talked about men and women in India, men and women in Portugal, about parties, sex after parties, about our first sex experiences... Waw... What a dirty pervert mind she has! ... I was thinking... Like me! :) cool! and we starting to have a kind of little flirt... joking of course.
I sent her the URL of this blog, and I ask her to give me also pictures with her, I was curious to see how is she looking. Here is the picture that "she" sent me:

Suddenly I had a kind of revelation...
2.denial: I didn't want to believe it.
3.possibility: can this be truth? That I was chatting with a guy for more than an hour, believing that he is a "she". Still, the possibility that this thing could be real had a higher and higher percentage.
4.acceptance: The possibility percentage just grew until was over 90%. I just accepted that today I was flirting with a man.
ha ha...
Thank you, Zé for giving me opportunities in LC Catolica!
He give her my MSN address so we started introducing each other, general things, visa issues, cheap flight companies, etc.
Slowly the topic slipped away and we talked about men and women in India, men and women in Portugal, about parties, sex after parties, about our first sex experiences... Waw... What a dirty pervert mind she has! ... I was thinking... Like me! :) cool! and we starting to have a kind of little flirt... joking of course.
I sent her the URL of this blog, and I ask her to give me also pictures with her, I was curious to see how is she looking. Here is the picture that "she" sent me:
Suddenly I had a kind of revelation...
2.denial: I didn't want to believe it.
3.possibility: can this be truth? That I was chatting with a guy for more than an hour, believing that he is a "she". Still, the possibility that this thing could be real had a higher and higher percentage.
4.acceptance: The possibility percentage just grew until was over 90%. I just accepted that today I was flirting with a man.
ha ha...
mah suciule! cred ca numai tie ti se putea intampla asa ceva. :)Tare faza...
despre indieni: nu sunt sigur ca ai iubi indienii asa de mult, dupa ce ii cunosti mai bine. Stai sa vezi cand incepi sa si lucrezi cu ei, atunci lucrurile devin si mai interesante...
hopa... adica cum... si mai interesante? :)
varzoo :))
Andreea, :) nu rade ca poate ti se intampla si tie, "never say never" poate crezi ca e un baiat cu vedere spre aureola boreala si cand colo sa fie o tipa cu privire de curcubeu din toaleta. Ar fi acelasi feeling, nu? :)
Pupici, salato! :)) ma bucur ca-mi citesti blogul.
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