Thursday, April 12, 2007

What happened here the last month...

Just regular things... every day is almost like the previous one. Every day same job, now it's a little bit more animated 'cause I have real estate market research duties.

In weekends we visited Coimbra, Sintra again, Oeiras and lots of things here in Lisbon like Oceanarium, Cristo Rei, Belem complex, gardens and parks. Portugal is a beautifully country. You have what to see here, history from every century is everywhere.

It's staring to be a kind of routine and I don't like it this way... I need challenges, I'm feeding with new, exiting things. Right now, I need food, I need a lot of food. This is why I will post from now on as many funny or interesting things I see or just unusual things that are happening to me.


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