The trip to Białowieża Reservation...
I was so happy that one of my personal goals for this traineeship has been accomplished today!!! :) I visited the Bisons Reservation at Białowieża!
I will tell you step by step the most wonderful day spent here, in Poland.
It started as planned, my flatmate Piotr guided me, Sebastian and Maciek to the Bison's Reservation. We used his car for this, because he knew the road better, he was born in the region.
First surprise: watch carefully the photo and you will notice it!!! :))

You're right! It is a Dacia 1310 car! As soon as I saw it my smile was growing 3 times! :)
Finally we arrived at the forest where the European Bisons are living. It's a common reservation between Poland and Belarus. In fact, the bigger part is in Belarus. In the past, only the Polish King had the right to hunt the bisons. Here, on this obelisk is written that the Polish Royal Family killed in a single day 42 bisons. The queen killed the majority... what a woman!

Here is the summer residence of the Polish Royal Family.

The good thing in this aristocratic hunters was that they establish the reservation for the animals,in order to protect them from extinction.

Here is the road to the place where the biggest mammals in Europe can be seen. I was so excited! My tonus was growing... Finally we arriving and... Here they are!

Look at them! Just... look at them! They are one of the most beautiful creatures on the Earth!

Words are useless... the pictures tells you everything about these animals with their stomach having 100 litres capacity...

Did you knew that these gorgeous animals lived some time ago in Romania, in Moldova Province? But they disappeared, being hunted in excess. The Romanian Government imported several bisons from Poland. Now they are living in the Retezat Mountains in a reservation.

It was so great to see them! :)
At return, Piotr took us in a village where we could have seen Polish traditional houses and a Polish Orthodox church. In this Voievodeship about 30% of the inhabitants are Orthodox Christians.

The second shock of the day it happened when we were returning home... we were hungry and we made a stop to eat/drink a bear. What do you think was in front of us? A COMUNIST PUB!!! :)) YES! It has Lenin's head on it and it was decorated inside with red stars, comunists pictures and other old times brand elements...

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We saw it also another Palace in Białystok, which was the property of the second important family in the city, Lubomirskich Family. Now it is a private Law School.

Here is a picture of Sebastian and me in front of the Palace. Unfortunately this great guy with more than 5 years spent in AIESEC will leave Poland next week, so I think this was our last day spent together. Good Luck Sebastian!
Hm... what a day!
I will tell you step by step the most wonderful day spent here, in Poland.
It started as planned, my flatmate Piotr guided me, Sebastian and Maciek to the Bison's Reservation. We used his car for this, because he knew the road better, he was born in the region.
First surprise: watch carefully the photo and you will notice it!!! :))
You're right! It is a Dacia 1310 car! As soon as I saw it my smile was growing 3 times! :)
Finally we arrived at the forest where the European Bisons are living. It's a common reservation between Poland and Belarus. In fact, the bigger part is in Belarus. In the past, only the Polish King had the right to hunt the bisons. Here, on this obelisk is written that the Polish Royal Family killed in a single day 42 bisons. The queen killed the majority... what a woman!
Here is the summer residence of the Polish Royal Family.
The good thing in this aristocratic hunters was that they establish the reservation for the animals,in order to protect them from extinction.
Here is the road to the place where the biggest mammals in Europe can be seen. I was so excited! My tonus was growing... Finally we arriving and... Here they are!
Look at them! Just... look at them! They are one of the most beautiful creatures on the Earth!
Words are useless... the pictures tells you everything about these animals with their stomach having 100 litres capacity...
Did you knew that these gorgeous animals lived some time ago in Romania, in Moldova Province? But they disappeared, being hunted in excess. The Romanian Government imported several bisons from Poland. Now they are living in the Retezat Mountains in a reservation.
It was so great to see them! :)
At return, Piotr took us in a village where we could have seen Polish traditional houses and a Polish Orthodox church. In this Voievodeship about 30% of the inhabitants are Orthodox Christians.
The second shock of the day it happened when we were returning home... we were hungry and we made a stop to eat/drink a bear. What do you think was in front of us? A COMUNIST PUB!!! :)) YES! It has Lenin's head on it and it was decorated inside with red stars, comunists pictures and other old times brand elements...
No comment.
We saw it also another Palace in Białystok, which was the property of the second important family in the city, Lubomirskich Family. Now it is a private Law School.
Here is a picture of Sebastian and me in front of the Palace. Unfortunately this great guy with more than 5 years spent in AIESEC will leave Poland next week, so I think this was our last day spent together. Good Luck Sebastian!
Hm... what a day!
Lasa mai zimbrii!!! vrem sa vedem femeile din polonia!!! Undes femeile!!!
En: Forget the bizons !!! We want to see poland's chicks!!! Where are the hooders??!!
Sorry to dissapoint you Adyyy, in Poland there are no womens! :( only bisons are living here...
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