Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Body Language Training

Well, this was the first time when I was in front of AIESEC BiaƂystok as trainer. I hold this training at LC Meeting with Wanda and Gosia, 2 members. Actualy Wanda is VPPD. Gosia hold first part, presenting Body Language basic things, Wanda presented Body Language aplication in interviews, and I presented some aplications in sales. All worked out as planned, the only obstacle was a girl who thought she's smart enough to challenge me :)) and tried to ruin my training, but I finished her in 2 minutes, demonstrating through practical examples that the Body Language position of the seller endeed counts and can influence the seling process. I think they liked it, it was full of funny examples and everyone had a good time also. They suggested me to be chair at their next LCC in December. It's a kind of Motivational Seminar that will last 2 days. I accepted, this will be my first experience as chair! :)


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