Saturday, October 21, 2006

The visa story

I was so exited!!! I received the documents. "Finaly I will go to Bucharest to get my visa for Poland!!! " Yupeeee!!!

I went to the hitchhiking place in Targu Mures around midnight. It was so cold!!! -3 degrees. A transporter van stoped and give me a lift to Brasov. I was lucky because I had to wait only for 2 minutes and a lorry picked me for a ride to Bucharest. After a long way, we finaly arrived in Bucharest at 10 o'clock in the morning and I run to the Polish Embasy to aply for the visa.

First shock: It looked like I didn't have the necessary papers for the visa. I rushed to the AIESEC Bucharest office to get access to the Insight XP and I called to Embasy, giving the contacts from AIESEC Targu Mures, AIESEC in Bialystok, TN manager from Bison-Bial, Marketing manager from Bison-Bial. Mr Nikonowicz sent very quickly the missing papers and I received the visa after 2 hours. A really good turn around, because usualy the visa is received after 2 weeks after application! So I was very lucky because the Polish Embasy personel was proactive and helped me.

I was tired and I decided to take a train back to Brasov. After that I went to the hitchhiking place in Brasov, "near the bridge". After 5 minutes a lorry picked me and took me to Targu Mures. After the whole adventure and having lack of sleep I was... completely exhausted!

I slept next day until 5 o clock in the evening.


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