Bye Bye Poland!
I'm glad that I could say goodbye to the trainees in AIESEC Białystok...

Too my interesting friends from Bangladesh...

Too all my friends in Białystok.
It's time to move on now...

This might be a surprise for some of you... :) I will do one of the craziest things in my life!!! :) I'll go by hitchhicking from Białystok to Lisbon, Portugal. I'm planning to spend the Christmas and New Year's Eve with Diana. I will have about 4000 km to go... I estimated that the travel will last about 4 days... so I'll be there for Christmas.
This is the road I'll take. It's half of Europe... :) so wish me Good Luck!

Probably is the last time when I'm posting this year, so I wish you everybody Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year! The adventure continues...
Too my interesting friends from Bangladesh...
Too all my friends in Białystok.
It's time to move on now...

This might be a surprise for some of you... :) I will do one of the craziest things in my life!!! :) I'll go by hitchhicking from Białystok to Lisbon, Portugal. I'm planning to spend the Christmas and New Year's Eve with Diana. I will have about 4000 km to go... I estimated that the travel will last about 4 days... so I'll be there for Christmas.
This is the road I'll take. It's half of Europe... :) so wish me Good Luck!

Probably is the last time when I'm posting this year, so I wish you everybody Merry Christmas an a Happy New Year! The adventure continues...
Suciule, esti dus! Aia nu e juma de Europa, e TOATA Europa. Asta da, provocare...
Oricum multa bafta !!!!
Spune-ne si noua povestea, cand ajungi!
Craciun Fericit si La Multi Ani!
PS: Roaga-te sa nu vina vreun val de frig care sa te prinda in mijlocul drumului ! ;)
Mersi Dragos! :) E jumate de Europa, ca Europa incepe de la muntii Ural... Dar oricum e Uniunea Europeana de la un capat la altul :) O sa am ce vedea!
... Vreau sa ma pastrez "dus de-acasa"... altfel ce farmec ar mai avea viata asta, fara aventuri? :)
Sarbatori Fericite si tie!
Suciu I agree with Dragos, dar daca iti doresti cu adevarat asta sunt sigura ca o sa reusesti.
Iti urez mult bafta.
Craciun Fericit! si sa ne vedem cu bine in noul an
Salut-o si pe Diana
super tare omule
mi-ar place si mie sa am atata sange in p**a sa merg atat cu stopu!
super tare!
sarbatori fericite si transmitei si al Diana!
tot respectu!
Am ajuns :) dupa 4 zile si 4 ore eram exact unde imi doream. Mi-am dorit f tare sa ajung mai repede, dar asta e, cred ca am facut tot ce era omeneste posibil sa reusesc. Urmariti blog-ul in continuare ca o sa pun si poze de pe drum. Incercati si voi daca va plictisiti! ;) Eternul... Suciulik
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