It was the great match with Serbia... so it was time for the delegates of the Romanian Regions in Midlands to unite and cheer for our Country! No women, just beer and football!
Got a place (mine), got beer from TESCO and we had football, or a kind of desperate TV show, using the online streaming with Sopcast.
Unfortunately we lost, I hope someone else will replace Piturca from the national team. I hope it will be Boloni again, but actually anyone else should be better, no matter how much he tries, Piti doesn't have a winner's attitude and my opinion is that he's not smart enough either...
So, here we were, from left to right:
- with a huge appetite for beer, Mr Ovidiu Bodnar, representing Bukowina
- Mr Ovidiu Suciu, from the heart of Transylvania, not so thirsty for beer (everybody knows we drink something else instead...)
- and from Drobeta Turnu Severin (we delegated him to represent the south as well) Mr Bogdan Gheoca.
I told them to make some sad faces to represent our broken hearts and look at us: harmony!!! exactly like our National Team last evening!

Ovidiu, Ovidiu and Bogdan