One day I will have to overcome one of my greater fears, the heights! Not many of you know that that's one of the things that scares me the most. I have sometimes nightmares where I saw myself falling from a bridge, falling from a block of flats, crushing with an airplane, falling from anywhere... just
falling! I might know the cause of my fear: it happened to me when I was a little boy (5 to 7 I think) and I was playing with a friend in our block of flats. Going up and down on the stairs, we saw a door left open at the 9
th floor, which leads to the roof. Curiously we went on the roof and looked down from all the directions, being captivated by the view of the city.
A neighbour living at the 8
th floor heard us and came on the roof yelling and threatening us that he will through us down if we ever go there again. He grabbed me and hold me in the air for several seconds, simulating that he will drop me down, just to scare me! I will never forget that day, and the feeling of me being in the air, having nothing for support and the view of the ground in that situation.
Since that moment, I started to be afraid of balconies, high floors, elevators, heights in general and I try to avoid them as much as I can. I am afraid of airplanes as well, the only thing that made me use them was that they are built by engineers... anyway, at my first flight I held the chair strongly for 3 hours...
I received 2 links related with the highs these days... and I just promised myself that I will try to defeat my fear!
Here they are: the heights!