How to rate your wife :) test from 1930
I was reading the free newspaper in the bus when I saw something interesting! :) A test from 1930, designed to help you to know if you have a good wife or not...
Here it is!

Good luck! :)
Here it is!

How to rate your wife
(Marital test from 1930 that lets men assess “quality” of their spouse)
The marital rating scale:
- A good hostess – even to unexpected guests
- Has meals on time
- Can carry on an interesting conversation
- Can play a musical instrument
- Dresses for breakfast
- Neat housekeeper – tidy and clean
- Personally puts children to bed
- Never goes to bed angry, always makes up first (5pts)
- Asks husband’s opinions regarding important decisions and purchases
- Good sense of humour, jolly and gay
- Reacts with pleasure and delight to marital congress (10 pts)
- Lets husband sleep late on Sunday and holidays
Demerits (worth 1 point unless otherwise stated)
- Slow in coming to bed – delays till husband is almost asleep
- Doesn’t like children (5 pts)
- Fails to sew on buttons or darn socks regularly
- Wears soiled or ragged dresses and aprons around the house
- Wears red nail polish
- Often late for appointments (5 pts)
- Seams in hose often crooked
- Goes to bed with curlers in her hair or too much face cream
- Puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them
- Is a back seat driver
- flirts with other men at parties or in restaurants (5 pts)
- Is suspicious and jealous (5 pts)
Substract the DEMERITS from the MERITS points to find your final score, this final score can be interpreted as follows:
0-5 Very poor
6-10 Poor
11-15 Average
21-25 Very superior
Good luck! :)
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