Sunday, April 27, 2008

sent to Coventry!

Well… Coventry is NOT the most beautiful city in England. There are just several nice places in the town; in rest you can see typical English neighbourhoods and industrial parks. The city is coloured in brown and grey... and I was a little bit disappointed about the clean in the city as well.

The weather is not very nice, it's raining a lot... I am not depressed, but I am not happy either. I'm waiting for the sun to come... I want to go out... I want to go and visit something nice! I feel like I'm sent here... like a punishment for something.

A typical day here...

It's a famous expression in England, sometimes the parents are threatening their children that they will be sent to Coventry! :))

Here is the origin of the expression, taken from wikipedia:

"Hostile attitudes of the city folk towards Royalist prisoners held in Coventry during the English Civil War are believed to have originated the phrase "sent to Coventry", which in Britain means "to be ostracised"; although their physical needs were catered for, the Royalist prisoners were literally never spoken to by anybody."

We founded it in English- Romanian dictionary as well… at the word “Coventry”.

So... It looks like I'm sent to Coventry! :))


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