Sunday, March 09, 2008

my bye bye presentation

I didn't want to leave without leaving something... so at least I left some information about Romania. I want to thank to everyone who came, I was really happy to see there Diana (of course), Alberto, Gonçalo, Tiago, Sofia and 4 new members of AIESEC Catolica: André, Andreia, Magda and Marta.

I think they liked it, although it was a lot of information...

André, Gonçalo, Andreia, Marta, Magda, Diana, Alberto, myself, Tiago

I used again as support for the presentation the ppt made by WWC team coached by Dragos in 2005, after that, as a bonus I spoke about gypsies minority (origin, history, culture, nowadays reality in Romania and Europe). Lots of information about gypsies minority, in Romanian language you can find on

Thank you again guys, and visit Romania! It's simply surprising! :)


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