Sunday, February 17, 2008

Charity? Boring? Madness?

His name is Kris Mole, he traveled in Europe without a cent in the purpose of charity (to raise money for cancer research). He had a kind of crazy idea, he wanted to visit all EU capitals from the continent to raise money, but in the same time without spending any money at all, living and traveling using peoples kindness and good faith.

He uses also funny techniques to raise money... for example he swam naked in the ocean wearing a funny hat, for 50 pounds. It was a kind of joke that one of his friends suggested... and I had the honor to make the pictures and to film him doing that. Who knows... maybe I'll be a director someday... Another crazy thing it has to happen on Eiffel tower... I will not tell more, I don't want to ruin the surprise :)

When he will finish with all this he will write a book with his adventures. He stayed at our place for couple of days when he was in Lisbon, we had some fun, put him in contact with our network, all this because he has a good cause and he proved that he has courage. I also hope we will appear in his book :) and it will be a best seller!

Hip Hip Hurray! For our modern hero!