Sunday, July 06, 2008

Barbecue! :)

Well, I will let the pictures to speak... hope you can smell it! :)) I can still hear the juicy drops on the coal... yummy yummy! :D ... On last Sunday we had the first barbecue at home.

Meet our Russians neighbours (from Latvia):


and his lyuba, Marina

After "How to make a barbecue" training for about 10 seconds made by Valerijs and a body language one-to-one coaching session delivered by Marina, 'cause she doesn't speak English, I finally manage to light the coals! I admit I was a total ignorant regarding making barbecues until now, I never participate at making one, I was always there just for eating responsibilities. But it's never too late... yeah! I made my first barbecue! :)


Blogger romeo said...

pofta mare, si sa iti fie de bine..


10:47 am  
Blogger Ovidiu Suciu said...

mersi! mersi!

4:00 pm  

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