Tuesday, January 26, 2010


YES ...after 3 and a half years spent together.

How did everything started?

We met in the last day at LTS, Moneasa in 2005 -just before leaving. From all the delegates at that AIESEC conference I remembered her smile, which for me was a sign of pure kindness.

In July 2006 the destiny made it in such a way that she was the only girl who accepted my invitation for a weekend with friends at Rastolita, in the Calimani mountains. We had the chance to know each other better and from that moment we've been together.

Until October 2006 we enjoyed just the weekends (I am from Targu-Mures and she is from Cluj) and the road from my city to hers takes 2 hours by car, 3 by bus or almost 4 by train. The majority would find a relationship like ours just as something temporary, but if the 2 people involved think it's the right thing at the right time, then it can work! :)

Now we are in the UK, and she said "YES". It was the right time to make this step, we knew each other very well now and it's not a surprise for anyone who knows us. It's just ...natural.

I was very anxious on the wedding day, I think it was very obvious for my colleagues in the week before... and for sure you can notice that in the video! :)


Blogger Zoli ZzZ said...

"casa de piatra si fericire" - it's kind of strange to discover like this (via. Blog) that you two had a wedding ceremony and now you are married. Yes indeed ... time is passing; and I hope that you will have much more moments like this; moments charged with happiness and blessing. All the best from Tg. Mures.

1:04 pm  
Blogger AsieÅ„ka said...

woooow :) congratulation, I wish You all happy days :D

Hugs from Poland

3:05 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

Vaiii dragul meu Siciu, ce mai post!!! :) Casa de piatra!

8:13 am  
Anonymous ovidiu barb said...

You finally did it. Felicitari.

7:55 am  
Blogger mircea said...

Felicitari!!! Nu as fi spus ca esti tipul de persoana care se casatoreste asa de repede :) Casa de piatra!

Mircea Vlas

4:06 pm  

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