Saturday, August 16, 2008

It's all about winning! ...a piece of British pride

I was watching the Olympic games these days and I noticed the different British attitude (than Romanian one). The Romanians were very happy when they had any medal, the British... NO! They want GOLD! They want to be number 1! Only number 1! No 2 or 3 is not so bad, but being the best is all that really matters!

Here's what the BBC reporters usually commented:

[When an athlete finished on 6th place at 800m]:
"She came here convinced that she will win the GOLD, now she must be very angry knowing that she could do better!

[When they win a bronze at rowing]:
"he won bronze, but it could be done better! ... silver or gold."

[When they won gold and silver at cycling]:
"Congrats for X for this extraordinary performance (gold)! Also Y won silver ... only."
(This one was amazing, I mean what were they expecting, to win 2 gold medals? :)) )

You can see an exaggerated pride when they speak about their winners:
"it was an awesome result!"
"we saw a devastating performance!"
"this is the British spirit!"
"she represents the British woman!"
"she is absolutely brilliant!"
"the expectations were high, but he result was magnificent!"
"it doesn't matter the time, it's all about beating your opponents!"
(*and a bonus: "Australia was stoned when British team entered!")

They really believe that they are the best and they deserve the best! This is their attitude.


Blogger Zoli ZzZ said...

...and that's why; Great Britain rancks on the forth place, globally, at the medal counting with 19 gold medals. Romania just on 17 with 4 golds.
Forth place; after coutrys like: China, SUA & Rusia - countrys that live by the same principles.

6:58 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I like their attitude!

5:04 pm  

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